How To Survive Without A Job

How To Survive Without A Job

It's undeniable that to survive in the modern world, you need money. So, to make money the vast majority of us go to a job (some times to more than one job).

The money we receive from our job(s) is to used to buy our food, shelter, clothing and entertainment. On top of all that, we are then supposed to save & invest for a time when we can no longer work (retirement).

Oh... did I mention this allocation of money was after the government has already taken their chunk as taxes?!

Is there a better way?

How does one generate enough money without relying on a job? There are two main ways:

  1. Invest a pile of cash and live off the interest, dividends or rents
  2. Create a business that generates enough to pay all your expenses and to invest the excess.

I'm going to assume that you're like me and don't happen to have a pile of cash waiting around to invest with a high enough return to live off of. So that leaves option #2

Starting a Business

There are a lot of benefits to starting a business. Most people dream of being in control of their time and their income and both of these can be possible as a business owner. There is also the opportunity to spend money on your expenses FIRST and then pay taxes on what's left over*. This is so much better than when you're working a job and have to pay taxes first and then pay your expenses on whatever you have left!

A traditional "bricks & mortar" business is loaded with opportunities to drive yourself crazy and about 90% of them fail within the first 5 years. Not my idea of a good time.

So, what are the alternatives? Well, to start a business you do have to invest time or money... and usually BOTH!

You might be asking, "what can a person do if they had a bit of time, and not a lot of money... what kind of business could they start?"

The answer is to Start An Online Business.

Here are a few ideas:

  1. Online tutoring or teaching: If you have a skill or knowledge in a specific subject, you can offer your services online and earn money through one-on-one tutoring or by teaching a class.
  2. Dropshipping: Starting a dropshipping business requires little money upfront, as you don't need to buy or hold inventory. You can sell products online and have them shipped directly to the customer from a supplier.
  3. Freelancing: If you have a marketable skill such as writing, graphic design, or programming, you can offer your services to clients as a freelancer and earn money on a project-by-project basis.
  4. Affiliate marketing: Building a following on a blog or social media platform and monetizing through affiliate marketing and sponsored posts is an excellent way to earn money, with very little capital investment. This is my favorite method and the one I recommend.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

In short, it's the system of telling others of a product or service you like and trust. When a purchase is made by someone you recommend, you receive a commission.

Let me ask you this... have you ever recommended a restaurant or a movie to someone? Did the restaurant owner or movie theatre ever give you anything for sending them a customer? Me either, BUT...

There are literally THOUSANDS of businesses that are willing to give you money for sending them customers. Why? Because advertising to attract a new prospect is very expensive and there is no guarantee to the business that there will be a purchase. So, why not pay for customers instead?

Best part is, this is nothing like MLMs (multi-level marketing schemes). You NEVER have to pester your friends & family to buy stuff. All you do is tell the people on the internet about products or services you like and some will buy because of your recommendation... which means you are going to get paid.

This is one of the few WIN-WIN-WIN businesses that exist.

  • You help someone find what they are looking for - WIN
  • A business gets a customer without expensive advertising - WIN
  • There is no limit to the commissions you can receive - WIN

So what is the potential of this type of business? I am not allowed to declare incomes... but let's just say there are many many MANY average, everyday people that are making more than lawyers and surgeons... and most of them are working less than 10 hours per week once set up.

Just like anything new, there is a learning curve on how to get started and how to succeed. That is why I've compiled everything you need into my Making Money Online manual which focuses on affiliate marketing... and I'm giving it to you for FREE!

I'm also going to give you all the tools you need to get started completely FREE. No trick... no gimmicks... no credit cards required!

Enter your details to receive everything you need to get started.

Why would I give all this stuff away for FREE?

An excellent question... I'm glad you asked. It can be summed up in the following quote:

"You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want." - Zig Ziglar -

I want you to be successfully "unemployed". If you have your own successful business, you won't need your job which means someone else can step up into it. This creates a knock-on effect that improves the situation for everyone.

Remember how I said that when an affiliate marketer recommends a product or service and someone buys, a commission in paid?

Well, I know that when someone helps lots of people to start making money, some of those people are going to want to take their business to the next level. They are going to want to know about other tools and services that will help them accelerate their wealth even faster or with less effort.

If I recommend something that helps them achieve their goals and they buy, then I receive a commission. Cool part is, the commission I would receive doesn't cost them anything extra than if they stumbled upon the offer themselves... and often times it will actually cost them less because they took the recommendation from me.

This is the WIN-WIN-WIN world I want to help create.

Enter your details so I can send you everything you need to get started


(*) Always consult with a tax accountant to understand your local rules. It's important to know the rules so you can use the rules for your financial advantage.